April 21, 2024, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (US Pacific)

Cailynne Graham ( cailynnegraham96@gmail.com )
5851 Myrtle Avenue, Eureka, CA 95503

Join us in helping restore a section of the nature trail along the levy of Freshwater Creek that has been subject to erosion!

The significance of this location is that it provides various benefits to the community and land. For example, the tidal marshland enhancements and the Freshwater watershed restoration have allowed for the return and provided habitat for Coho Salmon. This farm and land hold great importance to the Wiyot Tribe, and our partners have done a great job respectfully restoring the land to the best of their abilities.

Starting at 9:00 a.m., we'll gather volunteer participants for a brief introductory meeting to the event. Then, we'll have a safety meeting covering all expected tasks and demonstrations, possible hazards, proper tool management, light stretching, coffee, and snacks.

This event is in partnership with the Northcoast Regional Land Trust and Humboldt Trails Council.

View the Flyer

Cailynne Graham

Hosted by ELP Participant: Cailynne Graham

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