February 27, 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (US Eastern)

Virtual Event

Establishing silvopasture systems takes knowledge, hard work, and money; however, there are many resources that can help. In this webinar, learn about the various programs and organizations available to assist with expertise and funds. From cost-share to grants to site visits and more. In addition, listen to a producer using silvopasture discuss their experiences on the ground. This is the fifth webinar in a 6-part series targeted towards landowners, farmers, producers, and natural resource professionals.


  • Leslie Boby, Director, Southern Regional Extension Forestry
  • Buck Holsinger - Holsinger Homeplace Farms
  • Other Speakers to be determined

CEU Credits/Certificate Offered:

  • New York Logger Training - Trained Logger Certification (NYLT-TLC) - .25 hour NYLT TLC Credit   [credits applied for]
  • Certificate of Participation
  • Society of American Foresters - Certified Forester Education (SAF-CFE) - 1 hour Category 1 Credit

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