January 30, 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (US Eastern)

Virtual Event

In this webinar, we will provide an introduction to and overview of silvopasture for any level. Learn more about what it is, who should do it, and the advantages and disadvantages of the system. In addition, listen to a producer using silvopasture discuss their experiences on the ground. This is the first webinar in a 6-part series targeted towards landowners, farmers, producers, and natural resource professionals.


  • Ashley Conway-Anderson, PhD - Assistant Research Professor of Silvopasture, University of Missouri
  • Colby Lambert - Area Specialized Agent, Forestry, NC Cooperative Extension
  • John Fike - Professor & Forage Specialist, Virginia Tech
  • Brett Chedzoy - Senior Resource Educator, Cornell Cooperative Extension

CEU Credits/Certificate Offered:

  • New York Logger Training - Trained Logger Certification (NYLT-TLC) - .25 hour NYLT TLC Credit   [credits applied for]
  • Certificate of Participation
  • Georgia Master Timber Harvester - Continuing Logger Ed. (GaMTH CLE) - 1 hour CLE - MTH Category B Credit
  • Society of American Foresters - Certified Forester Education (SAF-CFE) - 1 hour Category 1 Credit

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