February 19, 2018

Ankeny, IA —President Trump released the Fiscal Year 2019 Budget on February 12, 2018. Below is a brief breakdown of how the budget will affect conservation funding and agricultural research.

Conservation Funding

  • 25% cut to the total USDA budget, which includes the following:
    • $15 billion cut to farm bill conservation programs.
    • $183 million cut to Conservation Technical Assistance, the program that funds Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) “boots on the ground” to help farmers implement conservation practices.
    • A proposal to eliminate the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), a program that pays producers to maintain or enhance soil and water-conserving practices on their land. The program is the most popular federal conservation program in the country, currently enrolling 72 million acres.
    • A proposal to eliminate the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP), a program that brings together public-private partnerships to reach conservation goals. Current projects are focused in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and the Mississippi and Colorado river basins.
    • Eliminates $500 million grant component of the USDA’s rural water and wastewater program.
  • Eliminates EPA Section 319 nonpoint source grant program. This popular program funds conservation projects and staff across the nation.

Research Funding

  • $32 million cut (50%) to the Economic Research Service’s (ERS) budget.
  • Cuts the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program by 23%.
  • $173 million cut (14.5%) to the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) budget.

Download the infographic (PDF).

For More Information:

Catherine DeLong, Special Projects Director
Soil and Water Conservation Society

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