Chapter Leadership Training

SWCS offers chapter leadership trainings to assist chapters in planning and implementing local and regional activities. These trainings highlight new tools from headquarters, discuss shared chapter challenges, and offer ideas for making your chapter effective in fostering the science and art of natural resources conservation. Register for our latest training to connect with chapter leaders across the Society. Can’t attend live? Recordings will be archived on this page. Watch alone or with your chapter leadership team!

Chapter Leadership Training: Making an Impact

Webinar resources:

Learn how our chapters make a difference in the conservation movement and how our model can be used to create social capital. Social capital centers on relationship building around a shared, common purpose. We’re doing great work – now let’s celebrate that work and use it to make a real impact in the conservation field! 

On this training, SWCS CEO Clare Lindahl and SWCS Chapter and Community Builder Renee Bouldin also introduce the NEW Emerging Leaders Program and how SWCS is supporting the next generation of conservation leaders.

Chapter Leadership Training: Member Engagement

Webinar resources:

Does your chapter have trouble retaining members? Do you want your chapter work to make a more meaningful impact? You’re not alone! On this training, SWCS CEO Clare Lindahl and Chapter and SWCS Community Builder Renee Bouldin discuss what member engagement means for SWCS and our chapters, examples of successful engagement strategies, and implementation resources.

Chapter Leadership Training: Member Recruitment

Webinar resources:

In this virtual training, SWCS CEO Clare Lindahl and Chapter and Community Builder Renee Bouldin outline goals for chapters moving forward, based on the Strategic Organizational Development Project. They also share new recruiting materials and train leaders in their use. Renee demonstrates new tools for leaders to connect and share their experiences. In breakout rooms, chapter leaders discussed ways to implement the new tools and how to recruit members on a larger scale.

Reimagining Your Chapter Webinar

Webinar resources: 

This webinar focuses on SWCS chapter basics, why chapters are an integral part of the Society, and a few tools to reimagine and simplify chapter operations. Look for templates and examples under organizational tools in Chapter Basics.

Pre- and post-polling of this 45 minute webinar indicated that the majority of viewers moved up a level in how comfortable they felt taking new actions in their chapter as a result of the webinar with the majority indicating the highest level of comfort post-webinar.

Email with questions regarding chapter trainings and leadership opportunities.